Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Apple put down that glass of hater-aid

Okay Steve listen up, YOU CAN'T STOP THE INEVITABLE! At what point did you think that a little sha checksum would stop us, the determined, the diligent, and the free? Ok you're trying to stop the same people that cracked DVD's (yes DVD John cracked CSS so that he could play DVD's on his Linux box), the same people who are reimplementing WindowsNT (check out ReactOS, it's finally getting places), and the same people who built the technology that your precious OSX is built on (Darwin is an off shoot of one of the various BSD's) . You silly. silly man. Thanks to the crew that code on GTKpod we now can use your freedom hating, DRM using, sickeningly trendy, digital music product. here is a little glimpse into the that triumphant moment

From #gtkpod today:
wtbw: okay guys
wtbw: i think we're done.
wtbw: let me code something just to check
[30 minutes later]
wtbw: can i hear a fuck yeah?
wtbw: works for both mine and xamphears :>

donations from thankful users can be sent to Cancer Research UK.

Steve we don't like working this hard, just keep it free and open and no one's feeling will get hurt, Okay?

Oh BTW: it's not free software without some code


Okay anyone know where I can send this?

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