Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tumbl and Stumble for the week of 9-22/9-28

Another week, another Tumbl and Stumble. I just recently figured out that I could link from tumblr so that's what I have done. I know that doesn't make this too interesting but doing it the way I did last week takes FOREVER!!! So let's get into it...


A discussion between Al00 and myself on #ubuntu on freenode
Al00 to channel: g'day folks -- I have a fairly simple question (at least in my fragile mind): Is it possible to attach a sound to the window minimize and maximize events? (kinda like winbloze)

threethirty to Al00: Al00: thats a wicked idea!!, but I don't think anyone has done it yet. What you should do is find the compiz fusion dev mailing list and ask for it\

Al00 to threethirty: threethirty: thanks -- I am using compiz fusion and thought it would be kick-ass if I could get a nice swooshing sound for minimizing :)

Al00 to threethirty: threethirty: compiz seems like overkill for this type of sound thing... it would be nice if it was just a std sound event gnome

threethirty to Al00: Al00: i knw but i fugured that the same people that put fish inside of a cube would be a little more willing to write that sort of thing

Al00 to threethirty: threethirty: LOL *high 5*


and that's it for this weeks Tumbl and Stumble and untill next week Mousekateers... Keep on ...mblein'

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy Caturday!!!

now I'm off to the Everett Free Festival, check my twitter feed to see whats going on there, and hopefully I'll have some footage to make a video post out of.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tumbl and Stumble for the week of 9-16 thru 9-21

Here is a new segment, I present to you Tumbl and Stumble. This is stuff that I found on the internets and either said that I liked on StumbleUpon or that I added to my Tumblog so here we go...

Tumbl'd: - Watch more free videos

Facebook | Causes - Broodax for President '08

dear apple — desrt (ryan lortie)

Spiral Nature - Philosophy - Anarchy - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anarchy

From The Magazine : Radar Online : Cory Doctorow imagines a world in which Google is evil

ReactOS Homepage - Roadmap

Top 10 Most Weird keyboards |

Dont know what to do in the office? |

Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts

Some quotes that people said in the courtroom

# Lawyer: "Now sir, I'm sure you are an intelligent and honest man--"
# Witness: "Thank you. If I weren't under oath, I'd return the compliment.

# Lawyer: "What is your brother-in-law's name?"
# Witness: "Borofkin."
# Lawyer: "What's his first name?"
# Witness: "I can't remember."
# Lawyer: "He's been your brother-in-law for years, and you can't remember his first name?"
# Witness: "No. I tell you, I'm too excited." (rising and pointing to his brother-in-law) "Nathan, for heaven's sake, tell them your first name!"

# Lawyer: "Now sir, I'm sure you are an intelligent and honest man--"
# Witness: "Thank you. If I weren't under oath, I'd return the compliment.

Alien Abduction? UFO sightings? Return to tell the story! Cool new product a perfect unusual Christmas gift...

(11:59:09 PM) keese: really, i actually learned something today
(11:59:29 PM) redchairdriver: whats that
(11:59:42 PM) keese: i learned that steven hawking can travel through time
(11:59:58 PM) redchairdriver: hell yeah, and so can chuck norris


Dont know what to do in the office? |

Neave Planetarium

Flash &187; Drum Machine More BoortzLipstick In School

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley : chapter one

Hackers Smack Anti-Piracy Firm MediaDefender Again and Again


magnificent bastard - top 10 ways to look like a total toolbag

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How old is movies piracy?

"60 Minutes" on Video Piracy - 1978

More bitching about the powers that be

I almost hate going to because I know without fail there will be something that throws me into a screaming rage with wordage that I almost can't use, even on the internets. If it's not Cory Doctorow talking about some freedom hating DRM thing or an anti consumer, anti pirating thing. It's shit like this...

State dept. won't say why UK music scholar is barred from US

Nalini Ghuman, a UK-born music professor at Mills College in Oakland, can't return to her home in the US, because the State Department revoked her visa and won't tell her or anyone else why.

In a written account of the next eight hours that she prepared for her lawyer, Ms. Ghuman said that officers tore up her H-1B visa, which was valid through May 2008, defaced her British passport, and seemed suspicious of everything from her music cassettes to the fact that she had listed Welsh as a language she speaks. A redacted government report about the episode obtained by her lawyer under the Freedom of Information Act erroneously described her as “Hispanic.”

Held incommunicado in a room in the airport, she was groped during a body search, she said, and was warned that if she moved, she would be considered to be attacking her armed female searcher. After questioning her for hours, the officers told her that she had been ruled inadmissible, she said, and threatened to transfer her to a detention center in Santa Clara, Calif., unless she left on a flight to London that night.

“They told me I was nobody, I was nowhere and I had no rights,” she said. “For the first time, I understood what the deprivation of liberty means.”

Apple put down that glass of hater-aid

Okay Steve listen up, YOU CAN'T STOP THE INEVITABLE! At what point did you think that a little sha checksum would stop us, the determined, the diligent, and the free? Ok you're trying to stop the same people that cracked DVD's (yes DVD John cracked CSS so that he could play DVD's on his Linux box), the same people who are reimplementing WindowsNT (check out ReactOS, it's finally getting places), and the same people who built the technology that your precious OSX is built on (Darwin is an off shoot of one of the various BSD's) . You silly. silly man. Thanks to the crew that code on GTKpod we now can use your freedom hating, DRM using, sickeningly trendy, digital music product. here is a little glimpse into the that triumphant moment

From #gtkpod today:
wtbw: okay guys
wtbw: i think we're done.
wtbw: let me code something just to check
[30 minutes later]
wtbw: can i hear a fuck yeah?
wtbw: works for both mine and xamphears :>

donations from thankful users can be sent to Cancer Research UK.

Steve we don't like working this hard, just keep it free and open and no one's feeling will get hurt, Okay?

Oh BTW: it's not free software without some code


Okay anyone know where I can send this?

Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm really sick of seeing this

WTF is wrong with police? Seriously we are now in the middle of a police state. None of us are safe. Just look at this video and about a million like them, if you are young and you are educated, you are not safe.

(story via boingboing

Welp it's fixed...

...and I'm an idiot here is the post that told me so.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I don't know what is going on, but as far as I can tell I am offline. I have posted this to the Blogger mailing list
if somehow you can read this please email me, three [at] threethirty [dot] us

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Reason Why Ubuntu Wins Hardware Vendors' Polls

I was listening to the most recent Distrowatch OGGcast
and the host brought up an interesting question, why does Ubuntu win all of the polls? Well here are my reasons why the next top competitors aren't on top.

Suse (SLED and OpenSUSE): No one trusts Novell. People tend to switch to Linux to get away from Microsoft, so why use a partner's distro?!?

Mandriva: I think Mandrivia is just crap, they focus way too much on the "club" (the tossers that actually pay for it) and don't focus enough on community building.

Debian: scary server OS

Fedora: I don't like Fedora. Okay scratch that, I hate RPM (RedHat Package Manager) . All Fedora needs is a new package manager (how about apt) and it would be fine. I would still reformat and put Ubuntu on, but Fedora may survive the first day.

Gentoo and Slackware: will never win because they are too damn difficult.

Mint Linux: may win the poll but will never come from the OEM because of the non-free codecs and shit they add (some illegally)

PCLinuxOS: name, the name sucks

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Future Of OUR World

The Future Of OUR World from the YTMND Education council.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sofa King Great!!!!

Why didn't thins catch on?

Wang "Freestyle" videos from 1988

Youtube hates me and will not let me upload this video so there is the source where I saw it

Wikipedia says that it failed because of cost and marketing, but why didn't someone else try it. This kind of tech is still not huge, and I don't really understand why.

Update: Screw you youtube, bastards

You'll never belive this shit, but I do: Cop gone wild- Lying and making threats just part of his job

This happened in a speed trap town in Missouri called St. George with only a few officers that think they have more power than they really do. This happened outside of their jurisdiction and they have no police powers where they stopped me.

The commuter lot is open 24 hours a day and can be confirmed by calling 1-888-Ask-MoDOT.

You'll hear this officer tell me he'll make up "9 different charges" including resisting arrest before he has even tried to arrest me. You'll hear him say how I didn't use my turn signal and I was weaving when the video clearly proves him wrong.

I truly thought if I didn't suck up, I would be beaten and maybe killed.

The person who posts this as that you please excuse the clicking in the video.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Video from Lug Radio Live 2007 is out

LugRadio Live 2007 saw hundreds of Linux and Free Software enthusiasts descend on the sunny city of Wolverhampton, UK. But with three talk venues, plus two BOF points and an exhibition there was no way one person could see everything that went on that weekend. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of a small but dedicated crew (they need more people for 2008!) they can offer these videos of the talks you might just have missed.
HTTP downloads are available at

and torrents are available at

There are such talks as:
    Avahi - Lennart Poettering.
    bzr-gtk - Revision Control made easy Szilveszter Farkas and Jelmer Vernooij.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

What kinda nerd are you? says I'm a Mega-Dorky High Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I r impatient cat

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Damn updates

I've had a hell of a time getting the newest kernel in ubuntu, seriously read this

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Why In The Hell Write When You Can Link #1

Some cool bouncy stuff from

"Science Fiction Writers of America abuses the DMCA"[and pisses off Cory in the process]

From the story, "The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America has used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to fraudulently remove numerous non-infringing works from Scribd, a site that allows the general public to share text files with one another in much the same way that Flickr allows its users to share pictures."

"Boing Boing Boing Podcast"

Why didn't anyone tell me that there was a Boing Boing Podcast?

"Confessions of a College Callgirl"

"Midwest Teen Sex Show: comedy podcast on teen sexuality"

This is a really funny show, a definite watch

"Hoodies with faces"

"Google Earth flight simulator"

Does anyone know how to get this working on a non-mac platform, I have no command key :(