Sunday, July 29, 2007

So Much For The Community

I can't believe this, I was on #ubuntu today and it was the worse thing I've ever seen from the community. #ubuntu is usually a really nice place, but there were some users just abusing the noobs. At one point this little girl joins and realizes that she is in the wrong channel and doesn't know how to get to the one she wants. Now mind you there are over 1000 people yapping in here and she doesn't understand the commands that are being thrown at her and then a couple of people start in on her about answering questions, I don't think she's even sure about how to use the keyboard let alone a bunch of IRC commands. Well I jumped this persons case about ripping on the n00bs and then we jump into #ubuntu-offtopic to finish our squabble.

You can get the #ubuntu log here and the #ubuntu-offtopic one here

and if you think that I am in the wrong please leave a comment

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm Geek Star Struck.

Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, Head of the Jokosher Project, Lead Guitar and Vocalist of Serpihidian, and panelist on LUGRadio, has friended me on Facebook. 

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Blogged with Flock

Friday, July 20, 2007

I Hate Raining On People's Parade

I hate having to tell people that their greatest idea ever has been done, and has been done for a while.  Wait no, it's not my fault, damn you Apple, and cell phone comapies.  Quit stomping peoples cool ideas with your time, and your inovation, and your causing me to know it and telling people.  jerks

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Trying Out Flock

I've heard a lot of praise about Flock so now I'm trying it.  This post itself is comming from the Flock "post a blog" button

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Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another New Blog and Webcam Issues

Okay everyone last week I told you about Something Kinda Techy well on top of that I have started an Ubuntu Help Blog. All of the original content posted to this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution, Share Alike 3.0 with the copyright holder being RLUG. There are going to be videos, screenshots, text walk-through's and how-to's. And we're starting from the beginning the first video is how to download and burn the Ubutnu ISO.

Now on to what is kinda crappy, ustream, the people who host the webcam (look to the right) are being flooded by users (including me) and the server keeps filling up I've noticed this happening around 6:00 PM EDT so if/when the cam goes down you know it's them and not me

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Another New Blog

Keese and I have started a tech blog: make sure to check it out

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Save Earthbound!!

Didactically speaking seminal evidence seems to explicate the fact that your repudiation of entrophy supports my theory of time-space synthesis. Of this I am irrefutably confident.

If you know wtf that's all about (or even if you don't) You should call Nintendo of America and tell them you want Mother 1 and 2 for the Game Boy Advance here in America.

the Number is 1-800-255-3700

If you don't get through try again, NOA thinks that this is gonna pass so please keep calling!