Sunday, February 22, 2009

Linux Community Screwed by the Biggest Tool EVER

Brian-with-a-y posted this to his blog

"When I first envisioned RadicalCodex… it was only for Linux.

Having the best eBook and eComic reader only for Linux… well I just like the sound of that.

Once the Beta testing started I began receiving emails, from Linux users, asking if a Windows version was in the works. This surprised me at first, but it made some sense. Most people can’t run 100% Linux on every computer they use. And, of course, it’s nice to be able to bring your favorite applications with you between computers.

Plus having great software available for both Windows and Linux helps to lower the barrier for many people switching platforms."

and this is what I posted to him in response:

"Once the Beta testing started I began receiving emails, from Linux users, asking if a Windows version was in the works. "

LOL you have to be kidding me, what about the Linux users that asked you to put it under a Free Software license?

You are a bigger tool than I thought you were. What happened to showing the non-free companies that the "the Linux water was fine, jump on in"? What happened to your crusade? Are you going to admit that you went into this on a lie? Are you at least gonna give us the source code? Come on Benedict Arnold.

I don't think I need to say more about that, but this may (99.9999% sure) that this will be on ep 2009.7 of Linuxcranks. Listen Live Sat/Sunday at Midnight Eastern ( [you will need a account to listen as we are an 18+ podcast])

Monday, February 9, 2009

Printing in Crunchbang

I just got me a new HP DeskJet 6940 for my birthday. Its networked so I just stuck it on my network and started configuring boxen. My girlfriend's Vista laptop was bloody simple to set up (weird yeah I know). Then I got started on my computers (my desktop and my eee) which was where the problem started. Now mind you I had been drinking (me and the captain made it happen [mom bought the booze]). On said desktop and eee I am running CrunchBang Linux and cruncheee respectively (this will be important later).

On CrunchBang

If you right click and go to "Printer Configuration" it opens and a whole bunch of it is greyed out (wtf) but there is a fix:

step 1: sudo su

this will make you proper root, this is just to save time sudo-ing over and over again is a pain in the ass

step 2: cd into /etc/cups/ssl/

step 2.5: if you ls you will see server.crt and server.key, believe it or not just rm both of them

step 3: then run sudo /etc/init.d/cups start (i think you might not need this dont remember)

step 4: open "Printer Configuration" again and

step 5: POW that MF is working so set your stuff up

on CrunchEEE

This is not a problem some how it works in crunchbang for the eee [facepalm] wtf

thanks to the lovely gents in #linuxcranks for the help specificity Mole_