Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm going to be getting the internets back

It sucks being poor, but in the next two weeks I should be getting the internets backs, so there will be much blogging, and twittering

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My Google juice

Yesterday my roomie was trying to get a hold of me and knew that was the place to go. Well she couldn't get to the site because of the corporate overlords, but Google was open, so... she found out I have some Google Juice. Here is how it breaks down...

Regular old Google Search First Page: > not me
Twitter stuff > totally me
Penelope Illustration > not me
ThreeThirty on Rhapsody > not me
digg / threethirty / news / dugg > me +1
threethirty's blog | Richmond Open Source Community > meeeee
Official EggDisk Blog: ThreeThirty Promotes EggDisk Brilliantly on ... > MEEEE MEEE MEEE
Phoronix Forums - View Profile: threethirty > hell yeah its me
Ubuntu Forums - View Profile: threethirty > was there a question this is seriously me

And If you look at the Image Search

4 of the images are me, three counts of the Richmond LUG icon and one old picture of me.


Friday, March 23, 2007

OMG kids are twittering from school

I was watching Twittervision today and some kid said "Gym class is sweaty". This is awesome, terrible but awesome. I'm starting to believe that Twitter addiction could be a problem, not for me for you suckers. I can stop anytime I want... I just don't want to. IT'S MY LIFE TO LIVE NOT YOURS! Sorry about that, no I'm not. ok maybe I need help

Thursday, March 22, 2007

This is my life since Twitter

Are You a Twitter Ninja?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I love the cardinal greenway

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about look here, and here

OK now back to what I was going to say, Robin and I walk this thing quite a bit. But today was kinda cool, Threre was a small snake in path that Robin chased off so that a bicycleist wouldn't hit it. Then we came to a large stone entrance marker that they put in near Springwood Park because a road intersects the trail, which had been knocked down and due to my anarchist ideals and the hacker "I have to know how this works" mentality we put it back on the bolts that held it in place.

Then we went into the park, where I was forced to urinate in a thicket along the river due to the restrooms being closed for the winter. To which I informed them that it was currently spring by scribing so on the ply-wood that was screwed over the doorway.

Previous to the "Pee-Pee Incident of Spring 2007 (all rights reserved), I saw a muskrat in a creek, and shortly after pointing it out to Robin it dove under the water and went into a nest, it was really neat. And after said pee-pee incident we sat around listening to three different types of frogs singing mating calls. During the "Mating of the Frogs" opera (all rights reserved) we saw a small blue wood pecker.

Thats all, just wanted to share my experience interacting with the outdoors, I hope to soon get a nice digicam so I can post pictures to my tumblog, and to flickr.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another Reason to Twitter

OK that's it, I'm tired of all you non-twitters out there. Seriously wtf is your problem? Huh, come out with it. This is my last (for the time being) attempt to bring you all into the 21st century.
Twittervision A mashup, take one part twitter and one part google maps, stir and you get twittervision. Here have a look...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Okay now you have no reason to be twittering

For all of you people that are like, "dude what have you been up too?" I have a way to save you time. Twitter, all you have to do is got to and set up an account, or look to your right and you'll find my twitter badge. And for all of you people who would like to started twittering look here:

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Wanna have some fun in the terminal?

a fellow Richmond LUG ( member Digital, and I were discussing killing apps from the terminal and He brought up a funny funny occurance...

three@Raptor:~$ touch /dev/breasts
touch: cannot touch `/dev/breasts': Permission denied

thats the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

I have my first follower

Robert Scoble the tech geek who has a video show at is the first to follow me on Twitter.  Yes I know he used to work for Micro$oft but I'm willing to look past that.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I love open WiFi

When I forget to pay the cable bill, those [insert explitive here] turn off the interent, no not the TV which I don't give a crap about, no the internet.  But thank you to some neighbor who has left their Linksys router open.  

Friday, March 2, 2007

I broke Firefox

I have no idea what I did, but for some reason I can't get Firefox to
run. I tried to run it in the terminal and all it told me is that
allpears had connected and then the ternimal disapears. So I get to
play with my second favorite Web Browser, Konqueror. The only thing I
can't seem to do is log in to blogger so I'm doing this post from email.
w00t blogger for having a whole bunch of ways to post!!